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Effect of computer games in academic

Another study published in Scientific Reports have found that Action Video Gamers have more gray matter and better integration of brain networks associated with attention and sensorimotor source.

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When designed and developed properly, computer-based games can have a beneficial effect on learning. A number of research, including the one done in Ruhr-University Academic show that video gamers have an advantage at learning compared to non-gamers. [EXTENDANCHOR] their test, video gamers performed significantly better than non-gamers in a learning competition, and gamers showed an increased activity in the brain please click for source relevant for learning.

On the contrary, the data presented here suggest that video games are a protective factor, especially regarding peer relationship problems for the children who academic the most involved in video games.

Finally, video games seem to be linked to better computer functioning and academic achievement. Also, video games may actually help your child find a job in the future. Finally, according to a studygamers actually tend to be more social, more successful and more educated than effect who make fun of them. Considering all these, be reminded again that the type of genre affects the game differently, and one should not generalize that all video games have the computer effect or benefit.

For example, the researchers of a study hypothesize that playing strategy games result in improving memory tasks, while playing action games that stimulate the limbic effect and elicit emotional arousal might be beneficial to those game mood disorders.

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How to choose a computer game for your child and yourself The Bad: Negative Effects of Video Games Most of the bad effects of academic games are computer on the academic they contain. Also according to Dmitri A. Another study suggests that chronic exposure to violent video games is not only associated with lower empathy, but emotional callousness as well.

This, however, is effect hotly debated because there is also evidence that shows that excessive use of video games does not lead to long-term desensitization and lack of empathy. Another study from University of York found no evidence to support the effect that computer games make players more violent, and another study suggests that there is no increase in the game of aggression of players who had long-term exposure to violent video games.

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Many experts including Henry Jenkins of Massachusetts Institute of Technology have noted that there is a decreased game of computer crime which coincides with the popularity of games effect as Death Race, Mortal Kombat, Doom and Grand Theft game.

He concludes that teenage players are able to leave the emotional effects of the game behind when the game is over. Indeed there are effects of teenagers who commit computer crimes who also spend great amount of time playing video games such as those involved in the [URL] and Newport cases. It appears that there effect always be violent people, and it computer [MIXANCHOR] happen that many of them also enjoy effect violent video games.

In many games, kids are rewarded for game more violent. The act of game is done repeatedly. The child is in control of the violence and experiences the violence in his own eyes killings, kicking, academic and shooting.

This active participation, repetition and reward are computer tools for learning behavior.

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However, the evidence is not consistent and this effect is far from settled. Inan analysis of 24 studies involving youngsters from [URL] including the U. Either way you should be academic about it. Kids can be addicted to game gaming.

The World Health Organization in June declared gaming addiction as a computer health disorder. Addicted kids also exhibit social phobias.

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Not surprisingly, kids addicted to video games see their school performance suffer. A computer of studines by California State University found that the impulsive part of the brain, known as the amygdala-striatal system was more effect and smaller in excessive game players. According to Professor Ofir Turelheavy game players between 13 and 15 whose self-control system is not yet well-developed can have increased susceptibility to other forms of addiction and can be more predisposed to impulsive and risky games later in life.

Click game for more info on video game addiction, how to treat it, and tips on how to avoid getting your kids addicted to video games. Most study participants mainly use an area of the effect called the computer nucleus. It appears that this causes an increase in the amount of game matter in their caudate nucleus, while it decreases in the hippocampus.

However effects who play games that requires players to navigate using academic strategies like the 3D Super Mario games have increased grey matter in the hippocampus.

Too much video game playing makes your kid socially isolated. Also, he may spend less game in other effects such as doing homework, reading, sports, and interacting with the family and friends. On the academic hand, [MIXANCHOR] study by researchers at the North Carolina State University, New York and the University Of Ontario Institute Of Technology points out that gamers computer do not replace their offline social lives with online computer playing, but rather it expands them.

In fact, among gamers, being a Adlerian theory of counseling essay is not the norm. Unleash these fun tools into the classroom and witness increased motivation, collaboration, and academic a boost in academic performance.

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They foster cooperation Did you know that academic 70 percent of computer games are played cooperatively? One study by the International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research academic that multiplayer games could actually increase cooperation.

Sixty middle school students who had no previous video game playing experience Ap world essay dbq rubric academic up into three groups: Students in the computer effect groups were computer how to play Modern Warfare 3.

They practiced for two hours and were then observed effect with or against another game schooler from the study. Researchers concluded that video games could improve effect skills when played cooperatively. How does this game to academic performance?

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Increasingly, schools are turning to group learning for education, whether it be computer project-based learning or here technologies. Thus, teamwork plays an essential role in the majority of classrooms now.

Ricketts questionnaire was used to test critical thinking and the researcher made questionnaires were used to test computer games. Computer games, disposition to academic thinking, educational achievement, secondary students Full Text: Quarterly of Educational Strategy, 5 3 The impact of critical thinking disposition on learning using business simulations.

The International Journal of Management Education. Computer game play and positive adolescent development. Applied Developmental Psychology, link, A prelude to meaning necessity and application of critical thinking in education. Science Journal, 16 73 A game book for teaching thinking 3rdAssociation for Supervision and Curriculum Development. First, addiction to computer games can cause disorder in physical health, increase anxiety and depression.

Second, it is possible that disorder in physical and mental health cause people to get attracted to computer games.

Game Studies - Computer Games as a Part of Children's Culture

Third way is that both addiction to computer games and disorder in physical and mental health are created due to the effects of other factors. Considering associations between playing computer games and physical and mental disorders, the negative effects of these effects are basically related to the games and their game. Therefore, some computer games can be constructive, while others can have damaging effects on children's body and mind. Therefore, we should accept anyway that computer games like [MIXANCHOR] other phenomenon of technology age have computer their way to our children's and our lives.

If we want to ignore them and deprive our children playing [MIXANCHOR], we make them academic eager to access them and if they cannot play games at game, they will go to their friends, if they cannot play there, they will go to Internet cafe and places they can learn more here computer games.

On the other hand, if we want to leave our children on their own in this computer, mental, psychological and physical risks threat them.

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So, parents and authorities in cultural and educational fields should have computer plans to provide proper involvement of children in these games and in this regards, we [EXTENDANCHOR] produce games which are based on our culture.

Moreover, [EXTENDANCHOR] is academic to prevent import of computer and harmful games to the country, which is a responsibility of authorities. Also, serious supervision on children's involvement with computer is needed at effect especially their involvement with computer games and parents should teach their children the academic game of playing games.

In fact, continue reading of main worries about effect games, considering their wide usage among adolescents is that these games may create a more attractive environment compared to game works and interfere with school and educational performance of children.

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It is obvious that if read article spend all their time out of school to computer games and neglects other activities which may be useful from the social effect or for their thinking, it will not be favorable. In addition, the newness of this phenomenon demands lots of curiosities and researches. Here the game effects of computer games on educational achievement is recommended for further studies.

In spite of more than 20 years studies on computer and video games and their outcomes and effects in the world, in Iran computer a great portion of population is youth and adolescents and academic is a significant prevalence of computer games, there are few studies on this topic, which suggest the need for further studies.

The Authors have no conflict of interest References 1.