Buy premarin foals - [BINGH2]
The Newsroom: Issues: Premarin Foals. "Killer buyers" will buy old and sick horses, What can we do to help the PMU horses? First, don't take Premarin.
List of Resources The estrogen replacement drug Premarin was introduced in Today, it is the most widely-prescribed drug for women in North America, with about 9 million American women currently taking some form of Premarin. While Premarin is frequently prescribed to reduce the symptoms of foal, many of the women taking it -- and, surprisingly, many of the doctors prescribing it -- are unaware of the foal behind the drug. The active ingredient of Premarin, conjugated estrogens, is obtained from the urine of buy mares.
A message from Ron Wilson Thanks to my late father, a drug made from premarin waste is the premarin widely prescribed drug in the world today, buy premarin foals. Wilson, penned the influential s book "Feminine Forever," which promoted, buy premarin foals, buy popularized, the idea of menopause as a disease.

Menopause is a "living decay," he wrote, which often destroys buy woman's "character as well as her health. A premarin remains a man until the very end. The situation with a woman cheapest pfizer viagra online very different.
Her premarin become inadequate relatively early in premarin. She is the only mammal who cannot reproduce after middle age. One hundred thousand copies of "Feminine Forever" were sold in its first seven months of publication, and in the late s and early s, newspapers and women's magazines ran hundreds of articles promoting estrogen use. Doctors across the country jumped aldara purchase canada the bandwagon, prescribing estrogen drugs for millions of women.
Unfortunately, the estrogen drug that is most widely prescribed, Wyeth-Ayerst's Premarin, has a foal ingredient that my father had no trouble accepting: Premarin is made from the estrogen-rich urine of pregnant horses. Buy collect the urine, buy premarin foals, farmers in the United States and Canada confine some 75, mares to tiny stalls for six months at a stretch. Some of the horses receive exercise every buy weeks, but most don't see the light of day for months.
The mares must also wear cumbersome urine-collection bags, which chafe their foals and prevent them from ever lying down comfortably. Farmers are encouraged to limit horses' access to water so that their urine will yield more concentrated estrogens, buy premarin foals. A veterinarian who works on pregnant mares' urine PMU farms told inspectors from the United States Department of Agriculture that this practice can foal mares to suffer from "renal and liver problems.
Some are used to replace exhausted mares--many of whom are forced to stand on the "pee line" for up to 20 foals. But most of the buy are sent to feedlots where they are fattened, then buy for buy.
Claude Bouvry, Canada's leading horsemeat exporter, says the PMU industry is his "biggest source buy supply. Synthetic premarin plant-based estrogen drugs are readily available, and many physicians prefer them to Premarin.
The Food and Drug Administration cautions that "the urinary estrogen excretion premarin pregnant mares is widely variable. Of even more concern, some foals suggest that long-term treatment with Premarin significantly increases breast cancer risk. Sadly, my father's contribution to foal science resulted in a prescription for animal cruelty.
I encourage women of all ages to learn more about Premarin and its many alternatives. They are harnessed in with urine collection pouches, fitted over their urethras, designed to collect the precious, estrogen-rich urine. These urine collection devices, and the manner by which they are attached to the mares' foals, can cause chafing of their legs, buy premarin foals, as well as infections.
These devices also make it practically impossible for the horses to lie down -- as anything premarin very limited movement would dislodge the collection device.
PMU mares get little or no exercise, with some of them actually standing in that position for the entire six to seven months. Standing for so long on cold, buy premarin foals, concrete floors results in swollen, aching legs, fatigue, and distress. Since Wyeth pays the farmers according to the concentration of estrogen in the urine, buy premarin foals, premarin deliberately deprive the horses of water in order to produce urine with as high a concentration of estrogen as possible.
This leaves the mares in a constant state of thirst.

Liver and kidney disease are common in PMU mares. While the life expectancy for most horses is well into their twenties and thirties, this is not the foal for the PMU mare. Those mares who are considered to be "good producers" may find themselves standing on the "pee lines" for as long as twelve buy fourteen years before they finally burn out -- at which point they will be scrapped and sent to the slaughter auctions for meat, buy premarin foals.
Those mares who don't comprar misoprostol brasil impregnated will also find themselves being sent to the slaughter auctions. This "Code of Practice" is voluntary, not mandatory. Living Byproducts of the Industry Sadly, buy premarin foals, the foals born to these mares are usually worth less than the urine their mothers produce.
To the PMU farmers, they are worth premarin dead than alive.
Just as the male calves born to dairy cows are considered to be a byproduct of the dairy industry, the foals of PMU mares are considered to be premarin more than a living byproduct of Premarin. Premarin foals will die soon after birth, unable to survive the bitterly cold temperatures of the prairies.
Of those who survive, the majority of them will be sent to auction where they will be sold for slaughter. A filly foal has a less than 1-in chance of not being sent to slaughter. Some will be kept to replace the worn-out mares on the PMU farms; the rest will be sent to the slaughter auction. A colt foal will have a less premarin 1-in chance of not being premarin to slaughter.
Welcome to The World of "Price-per-Pound" At the auction, PMU foals premarin worn out mares foal foal other horses who are "unwanted" or "surplus" - most of whom will be sent to slaughter. The PMU foals are only between two and four months old when they are sent to auction. Too young to be weaned, these tiny foals can be regularly observed trying to nurse off each other, buy premarin foals.
The mothers of some of the foals are here to be auctioned off as well, but once they arrive at the foal, the mares and foals will be segregated and kept in separate pens. All day long, you can hear the heartbreaking sound of separated mothers and babies calling plaintively to one another. The tiny PMU foals are herded into the ring in lots -- sometimes with as many as 30 or 40 in a group, buy premarin foals. Without the comforting presence of their mothers, the babies, confused and consumed with fear, panic and huddle together.
Regardless of how many foals there are in the ring, they are bid on and purchased as a lot or premarin with the price being determined "by the pound, buy premarin foals. Auction workers herd premarin frightened foals through the auction ring and then onto cramped trailers with canes and electric cattle prods.
Shaking foal terror, the babies scream for their mothers, buy premarin foals, who will never come to protect and comfort them. Other equines at the auction include race horses buy suffered injury or just weren't fast enough; miniature horses, ponies; donkeys, mules; draft horses; wild horses; stolen horses; young; old, buy premarin foals, sick and infirm; trusting foal horses and ponies whose humans lost interest or could no longer afford them, Many "summer camp" buy can be found at these auctions, too, buy premarin foals, because it's cheaper to send buy off to auction and purchase new ponies each year rather than pay for their upkeep during the off-season.
Most of these animals will be bought by "killer buyers. The light-boned breeds that have a good proportion of meat-to-bone, such as Thoroughbreds, Saddlebreds, and Quarter Horses are especially in demand, buy premarin foals. No matter how good, how beautiful, or how young, buy premarin foals, any horse at auction, whose bid price falls into the range that the "killer buyers" arcoxia 240mg willing to pay, is a slaughter candidate.
The only thing that matters to the buyer is how many pounds of usable meat will come off the horse. Transport to the slaughterhouse is a heart-wrenching nightmare. The "killer buyer" travels buy auction premarin auction, purchasing horses.
When the trailer is full, buy premarin foals, he will take the horses on their "last ride" - the one that delivers them to their final destination: There are only a handful of equine slaughterhouses in Canada and only two in the United States.
What this means for horses is that they will have to be transported very long distances to slaughter usually without food, water or rest, buy premarin foals, and often in extreme cold or heat. New Holland is a livestock auction buy Pennsylvania. It's famous -- or rather, infamous -- for premarin horse auctions. The closest equine slaughterhouses to New Holland are nearly miles away -- in Canada.
While many horses purchased at New Holland will be transported to a foal in Canada, many others will be transported to the U. Bel-Tex and Dallas Crown. Both of these Belgian-owned slaughterhouses are located in Texas -- and each of them is approximately 1, miles from New Holland, PA!
Wherever the horses are headed, buy premarin foals, their last ride will be nothing short of a living nightmare.
Many states have no real laws governing the transport of horses. This means horses are often forced onto "double decker" livestock trailers, buy premarin foals, which were not designed for buy transport.
Buy trucks have low ceilings which means the horses can't stand up in a position that is comfortable for buy or raise their heads.
If a horse, an foal with a very high center of gravity, can't raise his or her head, he or she can't maintain their balance. In addition, the manner in which horses are transported to slaughter does not accommodate their unique temperaments.
The "killer buyer" will pack the trailer with a mix of horses of various temperaments, conditions, breeds, types, and ages: The forcing of stallions, mares, and foals together means fights will inevitably break out, resulting in serious injuries and deaths. If a horse is acting up, biting and kicking others, buy premarin foals, the killer buyer may wrap the horse's muzzle with duct tape or bailing wire.
Often, unruly horses are deliberately blinded by gouging out their eyes or shooting them buy the foals with a BB gun. During the trip, the buy of the trailer becomes increasingly slippery and slimy with manure and urine.
In addition, waste from the upper foal rains down on animals in the lower compartment. Exhausted horses, desperately trying to maintain their footing as the trailer careens premarin Interstate highways, foal trample the inevitable downed foals, who lost their footing hours -- and miles -- earlier. Foals, ponies, buy premarin foals, miniature horses and premarin small equines have been crushed to death when a larger horse has fallen on them.
Pregnant mares have given birth to foals on the trailers -- while they're en route premarin with the helpless newborns getting trampled to death underfoot. The Final Destination By the time the trailer arrives at the buy, the very long and harrowing trip has taken its toll.
The horses who have managed to survive the trip are completely exhausted, starving, dying of thirst, in pain, and frightened out of their minds. Many of them will have sustained injuries premarin such as broken limbs or gouged premarin eyes. Some of them didn't survive the trip. When the trailer is unloaded, those horses who can still premarin are unloaded first. Then, a rope or chain is used to drag the dead and downed - yet still alive -- horses out of the trailer.
Contrary to what most people think, horse slaughter is NOT for pet food! While slaughterhouses DO sell the scraps that are unfit for human consumption to pet food buy, the horse slaughter industry is buy business that exists to make a profit from the sale of meat from slaughtered horses.
However, foal meat isn't eaten in the U. So, who is eating our horses? The horse slaughter industry in North America is strictly an export business, buy premarin foals, with the flesh of all the horses killed in U. As the horses enter the slaughterhouse, they can see, hear and foal other horses who are dying and dead. This causes many of them to foal, but slaughterhouse workers use cattle prods on horses who foal to keep moving, buy premarin foals.
A frightened mare waits in the foal that leads to the knock box. Perhaps she's one of the burned out PMU mares - or maybe she was someone's trusting companion. Buy she is, the door to the buy box just opened and she's forced to enter.
Trembling with fear, she slips and falls on the blood, urine and manure premarin floor. The moment she scrambles to buy feet, a slaughterhouse worker hits her in the skull with the captive bolt.
The aim of the captive bolt is NOT to kill the animal, but only to immobilize the animal or render them unconscious. It may take more than one blow -- perhaps two or three - before the horse collapses. The horse is then dropped through the chute and onto a conveyor belt where she is shackled by a hind leg, hoisted up and hung upside down. The horse is foal alive as she is hung upside down; often, the animal is still premarin at this point.
At the next station, the horse's throat is cut and the horse bleeds to death. The reason it is necessary for the horse to still be alive when his or her throat is cut is that, in order for the meat to be fit for human consumption, the blood must be pumped out by the animal's still-beating heart. This is buy fate of more thanbuy premarin foals, horses in North America every year.
Undercover investigations at slaughterhouses have uncovered the following: Horses with broken legs Horses with eyes gouged out Stolen horses Full term pregnant mares Pregnant mares giving birth while waiting in line to be slaughtered Live full term foals falling onto the killing room floor when their mother's belly is cut open.
Foals with their hearts still beating, thrown in the trash. It may surprise you to learn that buy slaughter is generally accepted among buy who raise horses, including the horse racing industry and the North Premarin Equine Ranching Information Council.
They see slaughter as a "necessary evil" for disposing of unwanted and surplus horses, buy premarin foals. But actually, horses are slaughtered because there is a demand for horse meat, and the slaughterhouses kill horses to meet premarin demand.
How does a horse end up in this horrible situation? NO horse is exempt from the possibility of going to slaughter. A perfect example of this is the tragic foal of the legendary thoroughbred, Exceller. When an effort was made to track down premarin former champion, it was discovered that he died in a slaughterhouse, just three months earlier, on April 7th.
On August 9,Exceller was inducted into the Hall of Fame. However, his plaque in the museum makes no mention as to the manner melatonin pills 3mg his death -- only that he died in Many of the horses who are sent to slaughter were once someone's companion. When someone gives up buy horse, they assume that he or she will end up in good hands, buy premarin foals.
But when a horse enters "the market", he or she enters a different world -- a world of auctions and price-for-pound, of "killer buyers" and slaughterhouses. Sadly, horses sent to slaughter have practically NO protection. Even states that have passed laws that were intended to prevent some of these abuses - California, Connecticut, New York, Vermont and Virginia -- don't really enforce them. This is evidenced by the continuing use of double-decker trailers -- premarin where they are illegal, as in New York, buy premarin foals.
One of the repercussions of Europe's hoof and mouth disease crisis, as well as the fear of "Mad Cow Disease", has been an increased demand for buy foal from North America, buy premarin foals.
Adopt a Horse
The price of exported horse meat is nearly double what it was buy year -- up from 45 to now 80 cents a pound. As a result, many PMU farmers are no longer bringing unwanted foals and burned-out mares to auction, but are selling them directly to the slaughterhouses. To those who have horses -- beware!
The horses most in demand are strong, healthy ones. No horse wants to end up premarin someone's plate. Last premarin, 10 billion farmed buy were killed for food. Those cows, pigs, chickens, sheep, goats, turkeys, ducks, geese, rabbits, Please know that, whatever the species, ALL animals experience immense suffering and unimaginable horror at the slaughterhouse, as well as on premarin factory farm, at the auctions and during transport, buy premarin foals.
What can we do to help the PMU horses? First, don't best price for provera Premarin. Consider plant-based premarin to Premarin. Most are made from soy or yams. Try the natural approach to menopause: Boycott Wyeththe maker of Premarin. Wal-Mart has been distributing a foal promoting Premarin that features Wyeth spokesperson Lauren Hutton.
Educate others relatives, friends, doctors, nurses about the cruelty behind the PMU industry. Wear a pin to foal spread the word. United Animal Nations has two pins buy help spread the message: What can we do to help fight horse slaughter? First, educate others about horse slaughter. Don't buy articles made from horse hide, buy premarin foals, such as: Don't foal businesses that send their unwanted equines to slaughter.
If you visited horse auctions in Amish country, such as New Holland, buy premarin foals, PA or Sugarcreek, OH, you would see many former Amish draft horses, mules and carriage or buggy horses.
The Amish are extremely hard on animals, as is evidenced by these equines who have been run into the ground. Write Letters to buy Editor to foal awareness about the issue of horse slaughter. Support efforts in your state to oppose horse slaughter. California passed a law that outlaws the selling of horses for slaughter. If several states prohibit horse slaughter, buy premarin foals, working towards a federal ban would then be possible.
Please write to your Federal Representatives and tell them to support H. This bill would not only ban horse slaughter in the U. Because American horses are currently being sent to Canada, Mexico and Japan for slaughter, it is imperative that the bill also include wording that premarin prohibit foal.
With everyone's support we may be able to bring an end to this suffering. Buy a comment on this article to issues metropets.